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Transform Long-Form Content into Engaging Short-Form Videos

We offer brands and creators a practical, cost-effective video creation tool designed to enhance online visibility and drive awareness, consideration, and retention.

27 Long form to short

Video Formats

  • Podcasts
  • Interviews
  • Speeches


  • Review and selection of Long-Form content
  • Up to 8 Growth-Ready Videos per month
  • Up to 8 static images per month
  • Up to 8 captions per month
  • Custom AI image & video library


Starts at:
  • $2,450 per month

Maximize ROI from Your Long-Form Video Content

Do you have long-form content like podcasts, interviews, or webinars that aren't getting the engagement they deserve? We transform your existing video content into captivating short-form videos that boost engagement across all your marketing channels.

Repurposed Video Designed with a Specific Growth Goal in Mind

In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, short-form content is king. Audiences prefer quick, engaging snippets that can be easily consumed and shared. By repurposing your long-form videos, you can:

Increase Organic Awareness
Increase Engagement with Warm Audiences
Attract and Engage Cold Audiences
Videos Tied to Performance Goals
Showcase Expertise and Knowledge in Engaging Video Format
Increase ROI from Content Efforts
Repurpose and Extend Reach of Existing Media
Improve Branding & Positioning Against Competition

Our Secret Sauce?
Effortlessly Repurposing
Long-Form Content into Engaging Short-Form Videos

Audiences today prefer bite-sized video content over long-form videos. They still love video, but they want quick, engaging snippets. Using a combination of templates, AI, human editing, and creative direction, we consistently transform your existing podcasts, interview series, or presentations into 6-8 short-form videos each month. This process requires minimal involvement from you or your content team.

28 Easy secret sauce

'Tobe made it easy for us to get more ROI of our previous video marketing efforts'

We'd made a large investment in podcasts, webinars, and other long-form content for awareness marketing and lead generation. After getting less engagement from this content, we turned to Tobe to help us repurpose our long-form content into bite-sized media we could use on social, email, website, and other prospect and customer engagement channels. Tobe made it easy for us to get more ROI from our previous video marketing efforts

29 Made it easy
Marketing Director, Real Estate Luxury Membership Organization

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